Carotenoids for Eye and Brain Health

On Monday 13th May 2024, the Howard Foundation sponsored an event at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM). Professor John Nolan focussed the attention of the medical profession onto Nutrition and Health as he delivered an innovative lecture titled “Connecting Carotenoids from Eye to Brain: A New Vision for Management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Dementia.”

Click here to read a summary of the lecture.

Following the lecture, Professor Roger Kirby,  President of the RSM, chaired an expert panel consisting of Dr Gordon Plant, Mr Nigel Davies and Professor Riona Mulcahy who joined Professor Nolan to discuss the topic in detail and answer some insightful questions from the audience.

Panel from left to right: Professor John Nolan, Professor Riona Mulcahy, Dr Gordon Plant and Mr Nigel Davies

Click on the image below for the recording of the lecture on the RSM YouTube channel.